Spring Equinox 2017
Springtime is when color returns to Oregon. First, the
bright yellow of forsythia and daffodils. Soon after, the soft pinks and whites
of the flowering plums and pears. The lavender-blues of woods violet and
hyacinth. Later, the magenta of the eastern redbuds. The neon blue of
lithodora. The salmon orange of crabapples and the rusty orange of sunrose.
After a winter of flat gray skies and bare branches, of
despondent and despairing thoughts about the future of democracy and environmental
protection, we need more than anything else to come to our senses. We need to
turn off the news and all other distractions and completely give over our
attention to what nature is offering, one gift at a time. When I stop on my
walk and stare up through the branches of a plum tree laden with frothy
blossoms of deep pink, and when I bring full presence to the sight and the
sound and the scent, I can feel something shift inside me.
Rick Hanson in Hardwiring
Happiness writes about how to overcome the brain’s negativity bias—its
tendency to focus and dwell on what’s wrong—by fully taking in those fleeting
moments of happiness and satisfaction that present themselves during our day.
We can amplify those moments if we slow down just a little bit and let the
wonderful in. All it takes is a conscious intention.
I’m doing it—slowing down and breathing in the beauty of the
natural world. I’m letting it tutor me in joy.
This winter I read a book called The Moth Snowstorm by British author Michael McCarthy. The book proposes
that although we may have left nature, nature has not left us, and the joy we
spontaneously feel at, say, the sight of a field of red tulips is hardwired
into us. More than that, in this time when the laying waste of the biosphere by
humans is only accelerating, the joy we find in nature is the best defense—an
even better defense, argues McCarthy, than the failed idea of “sustainable
development” and the current ploy of putting a price on ecosystem services.
If enough of us slow down and come to our senses, if we
linger in the presence of nature’s everyday miracles long enough to feel
the joy kick in, surely we will protect every patch of daffodils and every
blossoming orchard still left. Deep joy in the good earth could become a force
more formidable than all the king’s horses and all the king’s men. Let’s give
it a try.
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